Shaker Heights High School
Class Of 1963
Lucy A Hoffman Vinci
Lucy A's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Sep 23, 2024 at 4:23 PM
Happy Birthday Jane! It sure has been a long long time!
So very sorry to learn of Dennis's passing. He was a fine fellow. Sending condolencees to Carol and family!
Posted on: Oct 06, 2023 at 4:50 PM
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Sue!
Belated Happy Birthday Anne!
Joey and I were members of the Choir for 3 years. Great years and a wonderful friendsip. What an interesting life Joey lived after high school.. In our junior year, we had the task of painting 100 choir containers, which held our choir robes ( for traveling ) red and white. We had a lot of laughs completing that job. I will never forget Joey. Sympathy to his family!
Posted on: Apr 14, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Connie and her twin sister Kathy were two of my ealiest friends when my family moved to Shaker. I am so saddened to learn of her passing. Rest in Peace Connie. Sympathy and love to Kathy and family!
Connie and her twin sister Kathy were two of my earliest friends when my family moved to Shaker. I am so saddened to learn of her passing. Rest in Peace Connie. Sympathy and love to Kathy and family!
Lucy A's Photo Gallery